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Haidar Rasyad, Mat Solar's Son Wants to Follow in His Father's Footsteps as an Artist

Haidar Rasyad, Mat Solar's Son Wants to Follow in His Father's Footsteps as an Artist Mat Solar © KapanLagi - Haidar Rasyid © Instagram/haidarrsyd - The youngest son of Mat Solar, namely Haidar Rasyad, recently became a topic of conversation after uploading a video on Tik Tok. In the upload, he showed the condition of Mat Solar who is still struggling against stroke.

The BAJAJ BAJURI actor can be seen sitting in a wheelchair. Haidar admitted that he uploaded the video to give his father encouragement to recover quickly.

"I didn't intend to convey it to anyone, just wanted to give encouragement to my father. In such conditions, you have to stay strong," said Haidar Rasyad when met in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (21/4).

1. Want to Follow in His Father's Footsteps

Publicly known as Mat Solar's son, Haidar Rasyad apparently also wants to follow in his father's footsteps in the entertainment world. He admits to admiring his father, who has been very successful as an artist.

"Yes, I will continue my father's career in entertainment. I want to start from (acting) in films. Just want to continue my father's career. Because my father can live in entertainment. He will continue to live in entertainment," he said.

2. Advised to Join Stand Up Comedy

Many people even suggest that Haidar Rasyad should join Stand Up Comedy. This is because of Haidar's humorous nature.

"Many suggest that I join Stand Up Comedy. But I can't. Because I can't force myself to be funny," he said.

3. Not Allowed to Father

However, until now, Haidar Rasyad has not had the chance to convey his desire to enter the entertainment field to his father. He prefers to show his talent first.

"I haven't told my father yet that I want to become an entertainer. I just want to show my talent to him," concluded Haidar Rasyad.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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