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Harvesting Rice in the Field, Bella Shofie Transforms into 'Modern Farmer'

Harvesting Rice in the Field, Bella Shofie Transforms into 'Modern Farmer' Bella Shofie / Photo Credit: Personal Documentation - Some time ago, Bella Shofie caused a sensation by 'farming', but wearing very fashionable attire. The hotong rice harvesting action is apparently being done again by Bella and her beloved husband, Daniel Rigan. And of course, she still wears very luxurious and fashionable clothing style.

To the media, Bella explained the reason why she wore such attire. Because of her appearance, she labeled herself as a 'modern farmer'.

"I became a modern farmer. I brought the hat from Jakarta to withstand the heat, but it's more fashionable because it has a ribbon. So, I am a true modern farmer, I can also do a photoshoot at the same time," said Bella to the media, on Tuesday (30/3).

1. Harvest Festival in Buru Island, Maluku

However, it should be noted that Bella's presence on that occasion was not just for a photo session. She actually participated in the hotong rice harvest to celebrate the Harvest Festival in Buru Island, Maluku.

"I joined in cutting the rice as a symbolic act for the harvest festival in Buru Island, Maluku. This is a type of rice, its carbohydrates are higher than regular rice, but it's gluten-free. Yes, it's a type of rice but closer to wheat," she continued.

Since last year, Bella and Daniel have been known to regularly go to Buru Island to harvest hotong rice. This rice substitute is known to have many benefits and is believed to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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