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Having Entered the Courtroom, Hanung Bramantyo is Sad to See the Trials that Befall Jefri Nichol

Having Entered the Courtroom, Hanung Bramantyo is Sad to See the Trials that Befall Jefri Nichol Hanung Bramantyo and Jefri Nichol ©® - Director Hanung Bramantyo has experienced the ups and downs of the Indonesian film industry. From works that have reached millions of viewers, being protested by community organizations, to being involved in legal proceedings.

As is known, recently Falcon Pictures filed a lawsuit against Jefri Nichol regarding breach of contract. As a result, the 20-year-old actor had to sit in the courtroom for a different case. The similarity of experiences in the courtroom makes Hanung sad. Because at such a young age, Jefri should not have to face such a heavy burden.

"Yes, it's sad to see such a young child facing such a heavy burden at his age. At that age, I had a hard time even with love. But this is in the courtroom, it will definitely take a long time, not just one or two days, it could take one or two months. It feels like you can't sleep," said Hanung when met at CGV Grand Indonesia, Thamrin area, Central Jakarta, on Thursday (27/2/2020).

1. Resolved Through Deliberation

Furthermore, Hanung Bramantyo revealed that the breach of contract case in the film industry may not only be experienced by Jefri Nichol. The difference is, the previous case did not become widely known because it ended peacefully.

"I don't know for sure, maybe this case has happened before but they resolved it through discussion. I hope this one can be resolved without going to court. We are a small industry, I hope it can be resolved through discussion. It's just about managing time," said Hanung.

2. Stay Tuned!

In their lawsuit, Falcon Pictures imposed a fine of Rp 4.2 billion on Jefri for refusing to fulfill the contract to act in four films. Not only that, the former lover Shenina Cinnamon was also asked to refund the down payment of Rp 280 million that had been paid.

Stay tuned for more updates on Falcon's issue with Jefri Nichol only on!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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