Better experience in portrait mode.

Having Natural Beauty, Here are a Series of Nafa Urbach's Old Photos - Being a 10-Year-Old Band Member Caught Attention

Having Natural Beauty, Here are a Series of Nafa Urbach's Old Photos - Being a 10-Year-Old Band Member Caught Attention Old Portrait of Nafa Urbach (credit: instagram/nafaurbach) - Nafa Urbach is one of the celebrities who is admired for her beauty. It is only natural that Nafa Urbach has natural and genuine beauty. This is proven by Nafa's appearance in the past, which can be seen in some of her old photos.

In her old photos, Nafa Urbach already looked beautiful and radiated a star aura since childhood. In addition, from her old photos, it is also seen that Nafa has impressive talents.

So, are you curious about what Nafa Urbach's appearance looks like in her old photos? Instead of being curious, let's take a look at some of her portraits below.


1. Adorable Childhood

During her childhood, Nafa Urbach was very close to her two siblings. From this photo, it can be seen that young Nafa had a beautiful, cute, and adorable face. If observed more closely, young Nafa's facial features already resemble those of Nafa as an adult. 


2. Resembling a Princess

A little bigger, Nafa Urbach looked even more beautiful and adorable. With her long hair, young Nafa in the photo looks similar to the princess, Mikhaela Lee Juwono.


3. Former Band Vocalist

Since she was young, Nafa Urbach has also shown her talent. At the age of 10, Nafa began to explore the world of singing. At that age, Nafa became the vocalist of a band consisting of children her age.


4. Radiates Star Quality

Growing up, Nafa Urbach became more charmingly beautiful. Not only that, Nafa also radiates star quality and aura. Especially when performing on stage, Nafa truly becomes a diva and a rockstar.


5. Natural Beauty

Nafa Urbach has a natural beauty. It is proven that even without makeup, Nafa still looks very charming. With her bright face and long hair, Nafa can make anyone fall in love with her.

6. More Charming in High School

Nafa Urbach once uploaded a photo of herself when she was in high school. In that photo, Nafa looked charmingly beautiful. Her sweet smile on her lips added to her charm as a star.

7. A Brilliant Career

Nafa Urbach has a brilliant career in the entertainment industry in Indonesia. Not only successful as a singer, Nafa also succeeded as an actress. Various soap operas that Nafa starred in were always in demand, boosting her popularity.

8. Looking Cool in Album Cover Photoshoot

Nafa Urbach's career as a singer is also quite successful. Throughout her career as a singer, Nafa has produced many albums. Nafa's beautiful face is displayed on every album cover. From the series of album covers, it is clear that Nafa has a youthful and almost unchanged face.

Those are some of the old photos of Nafa Urbach. How about it, KLovers, Nafa really looks forever young, right?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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