Tyo Nugros has just celebrated his 53rd birthday. This moment also attracted a lot of attention to his girlfriend, one of the reasons being their significant age gap.
Dee Adnan is 23 years younger than Tyo. Read more here!
Celebrity Activities
Tyo Nugros has just celebrated his 53rd birthday. This moment also attracted a lot of attention to his girlfriend, one of the reasons being their significant age gap.
Dee Adnan is 23 years younger than Tyo. Read more here!
Here are the intimate moments of Dee Adnan with Tyo Nugros shared right on Tyo's birthday.
In addition to her boyfriend, Dee Adnan also attracts a lot of attention from netizens.
One of the reasons is because she is much younger than Tyo Nugros.
It is known that Tyo Nugros just celebrated his 53rd birthday on December 21.
Currently, Dee Adnan is 30 years old, so the age difference between this couple is 23 years.
Netizens are finally curious about Dee Adnan, who appears to be very affectionate with Tyo.
Because she is not from the artist community. However, quoted from Okezone, it turns out that Dee has tried the entertainment world from modeling to acting.
However, it seems that Dee prefers to pursue a career in a different field than her partner. It is known that she is an architect.
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