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Healthy & Fit But Can Still Get Corona, Andrea Dian's Message to the Indonesian People: Stay at Home

Healthy & Fit But Can Still Get Corona, Andrea Dian's Message to the Indonesian People: Stay at Home Andrea Dian. Credit: via taken on 23/3/2020 at 16.53 - Andrea Dian has been confirmed to have contracted Covid-19 or the corona virus. Currently, she is undergoing isolation and intensive treatment at the hospital.

On the other hand, Andrea Dian herself is known as a celebrity who cares about living a healthy life. Through social media, the wife of Ganindra Bimo often shows her healthy lifestyle, such as regularly exercising.

Although she has a healthy and fit body, Andrea can still be infected with the corona virus. She then speaks up and gives a message to the public.

1. Andrea's Post

On Monday (23/3), Andrea Dian uploaded an old photo of herself doing yoga. In the post, Andrea appears to be very healthy and fit.

However, Andrea can still be infected with the coronavirus. She expressed this in the caption. "Hey guys, PLEASE READ. Anyone can get it. I am still young and healthy. I exercise regularly, but I don't know how this Corona virus can be in my body," she said.

2. Andrea's Message

Through the caption of her latest Instagram post, Andrea also wrote a message for the public to stay at home. "So for friends out there, please #StayAtHome. Keep your distance. Self-quarantine. If we are disciplined, we will get through this faster," she said.

"If not, it will be very risky for us and our loved ones to get infected. I am motivated and trying to do it," Andrea continued.

3. Hospital Situation

In addition, Andrea also mentioned the struggle of doctors and nurses who are fighting to help coronavirus patients.

"Being in the hospital, I can witness how difficult this situation is for doctors and nurses. Help them work, love your loved ones by taking care of yourself, and stay patient at home," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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