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His Eyes Look Sad, Suspected Due to Doing 24-Hour Non-Stop Live TikTok and Effects of Using Methamphetamine, Caisar YKS: If I'm Tired, How Come?

His Eyes Look Sad, Suspected Due to Doing 24-Hour Non-Stop Live TikTok and Effects of Using Methamphetamine, Caisar YKS: If I'm Tired, How Come? Caisar's sad eyes suspected due to 24-hour TikTok live and drug effects (credit: Kafril) - The discussion about comedian Caisar Putra Aditya or Caisar YKS is not over yet. After being accused of using drugs, Caisar YKS is also suspected of doing a 24-hour non-stop live broadcast on TikTok.

When met in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, on Monday (9/5), he denied the allegations of a 24-hour non-stop live broadcast on TikTok.

1. Sad-looking Eyes

Although he denied it, his sad-looking eyes were the focus of netizens who watched the live broadcast. Caisar reasoned that he was tired, hence his eyes looked sad.

"Well, when you're tired, what can you do," said Caisar when met in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, on Monday (9/5).

2. Forgetting to Rest

He admitted that he sometimes forgets to take a break while doing live broadcasts. However, Caisar now claims to be able to divide his time between doing live broadcasts and regular activities.

"Sometimes, I forget to rest, but now I can schedule when to do it, not always impromptu," he said.

3. Denying Drug Use

In addition, Caisar firmly denied using the drug methamphetamine. He said that the 'nyabu' that he often does is just eating porridge.

"No, God willing, we say no to drugs, stay away from drugs. Never. The most we do is 'nyabu,' which means eating porridge in the morning," he said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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7 Potret Kehebohan Krisdayanti and Yuni Shara at Nephew's Birthday Party, Joining in Dancing and Swinging like Children

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