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His Son Forms a Band and Releases an EP, Andika Ex Peterpan: Want to Forbid, But I Became a Musician

His Son Forms a Band and Releases an EP, Andika Ex Peterpan: Want to Forbid, But I Became a Musician Alfi Rosyadi - Former members of the bands Peterpan and The Titans, Andika Naliputra was surprised to find out that his son has formed a band. Yes, Aira Dika, Andika's second son, is currently pursuing a career with his school friends in the band Starfire.

"When I found out that they were more enthusiastic about music, I asked Aira what he wanted to be, and he said he wanted to be a musician," said Andika at Rendezvoo Coffee, Antasari Jakarta Selatan, on Friday (23/2/2024).

1. There Was Some Worry

Andika expressed his concern when he found out that his son was interested in being involved in the Indonesian music industry.

"I was confused whether to forbid him, but I am a musician myself. But I want to let him know what it's like to live as a musician, that if there's a job, there's a job, and if there's none, it's quiet," said Andika.

2. Supporting His Son

Despite being confused, Andika still fully supports his son and gives him an understanding of life as a musician.

"Yes, I have inner turmoil as a father, when I found out that my son wants to be a musician like me," said Andika while laughing.

3. The Father Provides Much Help

Aira revealed that her father has helped in the creation of their songs, as well as providing support in all music-related matters.

"My dad helps me, I make the basic melody, and my dad helps with all things music-related," added Aira.

4. Aira Becomes the Vocalist

In the band Starfire, Aira acts as the vocalist, with Rassya on guitar, Rafandhika on bass, and Davin as the drummer. Recently, Starfire released their second mini album titled "Hanya Untukmu" (Only For You).

"This is our second mini album 'Hanya Untukmu', so we're really excited," said Aira.

5. New Album Release

The second mini album from Starfire band is officially released together with AFE Records, featuring teenage-style pop rock music.

"The concept of this EP suddenly came up, usually we make love song concepts but this one is about being cheated on, so it's not a fun love," said Aira.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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