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Inara Rusli Includes Points of Police Report Revocation in Mediation Proposal

Inara Rusli Includes Points of Police Report Revocation in Mediation Proposal Inara Rusli © - The Central Jakarta District Court held another hearing on royalty lawsuit filed by Inara Rusli against Virgoun on Wednesday (21/2). This hearing is still in the mediation stage.

Both Inara and Virgoun are represented by their legal representatives. Inara Rusli's legal representative, Arjana Bagaskara, revealed that they were asked to submit a mediation proposal.

"We had the mediation earlier, the mediator asked us to submit a mediation proposal," said Arjana when contacted by journalists on Wednesday (21/2).

1. Points of Police Report Revocation

Arjana stated that they will soon prepare a mediation proposal that includes several points. One of the points in the proposal discusses the withdrawal of police reports from both parties.

"In our proposal, we include the points submitted by Inara, like asking for royalties, then the withdrawal of police reports, and so on," he said.

"If what we submit to the Central PN is only related to the agreement, we want a comprehensive and comprehensive settlement," he added.

2. Next Hearing Schedule

Arjana emphasized that the submission of the withdrawal of the report can be included in the ongoing case in the Central PN. "It can be included in the district court later, it's just a matter of formulating it in the peace agreement," he said.

The trial will resume on February 28. Inara and Virgoun are requested to attend the hearing.

"Mediation to discuss the peace proposal and feedback from Virgoun," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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