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Increasing Popularity of Grilled Rice Trading, Melati Sesilia, Former JKT48 Member Shares the Joys and Struggles of Building Her Own Business

Increasing Popularity of Grilled Rice Trading, Melati Sesilia, Former JKT48 Member Shares the Joys and Struggles of Building Her Own Business Melati Sesilia Sells Grilled Rice, © Akrom Sukarya - The name Melati Sesilia was not well-known at first. However, she became known instantly after it was revealed that Melati, her nickname, went viral on TikTok for selling grilled rice by the roadside after leaving JKT48.

When she was met at her stall in Johar Baru, Central Jakarta, on Saturday night (18/6), Melati shared the joys and struggles of building her grilled rice business. She emphasized that this was a business that she built herself with the support and help of her family.

"This is my own business. I studied business management in college and started trying it in the fourth semester. It's only been running for three months, and it started to get crowded when I went live on TikTok. I used to sell it alone until night, and it was scary, on the roadside. That's where I started making TikTok content for fun," said Melati Sesilia.

1. Empty Stall Before Going Viral

At first, Melati admitted that her merchandise didn't have many buyers. However, when she made content on TikTok and it went viral, many people realized that she was a former member of JKT48 and sales increased.

"Because at first there were only 11 orders a day. But because I was bored, I made TikTok content and went live so that it felt like I was talking to friends. At that time, there were many buyers until now. At first, I didn't realize who I was, but people only knew me from TikTok. At first, my brother was the one who managed it, but when people saw my TikTok, they realized I was a JKT48 fan," she said.

2. Starting a Business on Her Own Will

In addition, Melati explained that it was her own desire to have her own business. However, with the support of her parents and loved ones, Melati was confident in entering the business world.

"After I graduated from JKT48, I wanted to focus on college. Since my major was business and I didn't intend to work with others, I started thinking about what kind of business I wanted to do," she explained.

"From the beginning, my mom helped guide our family and I asked my dad, brother, and sister for their help and they were all okay with it," she added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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