Kapanlagi.com - The long struggle of Ria Irawan as a cancer survivor finally came to an end. On Monday (6/1), the senior actress passed away at the age of 51. The news was shocking to many, considering that her condition had not been visibly deteriorating in recent times.
In addition to the family, actress Ine Febriyanti was also seen at the funeral home. She and her husband were indeed close friends with the late Ria. In fact, there are many memories that are still cherished by Ine to this day.
"I didn't meet Ria often, but every time I met her, I always kept those memories because they were very memorable. For example, when I was sick in Yogyakarta while shooting BUMI MANUSIA, she made me some oil to prevent me from getting sick, and I still have that oil until now and I always use it," said Ine when met at Ria Irawan's funeral home in Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, on Monday morning (6/01).
1. Ceplas-Ceplos Tapi Baik Hati
During her lifetime, Ria was known to be witty in her speech. However, on the other hand, she was also very caring towards her friends. This was confirmed by Ine, who had also experienced sincere attention from the late Ria.
"Yesterday, I wanted to ask for more (oil), but it's not possible because Mbak Ria is sick. That's how Mbak Ria is, caring and kind-hearted. She may be a bit careless and witty, but she really has a good heart," she continued.
2. Prayers from Ine Febriyanti for Ria Irawan

Ria Irawan © KapanLagi/Bambang E Ros
Ine was the first artist to be seen at the funeral home to see the late Ria for the last time. She also offered sincere prayers to accompany Ria Irawan's departure.
"We will all pray for her. Everyone here, her close friends, will surely pray sincerely. We forgive all her mistakes and pray for her goodness to be accepted by Allah," concluded the film star of BUMI MANUSIA.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.