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Initially Didn't Want to be Matched, This Sweet Treatment Made Maia Estianty Fall in Love with Irwan Mussry

Initially Didn't Want to be Matched, This Sweet Treatment Made Maia Estianty Fall in Love with Irwan Mussry Maia Estianty - Irwan Mussry (credit: - Maia Estianty revealed the story of her love journey with Irwan Mussry when she became a guest star on Venna Melinda's vlog. Maia admitted to Venna that initially she refused to be matched with Irwan.

"When I returned from Umrah, my friend approached me. 'Do you want me to match you with Irwan Mussry', no way, I don't want to, why. His family already knows me," Maia said as quoted from the Youtube channel Venna Melinda Channel.

"Because he was my ex-sister-in-law's (Irwan's sister) ex-boyfriend. It means if they get married, I would be his sister-in-law," she continued.

1. Pay Attention When Sick

When Maia Estianty didn't want to be arranged in a marriage, it turns out Irwan Mussry still showed his attention to the mother of Al, El, and Dul. Maia reminisces the moments when Irwan paid attention to her.

"It just so happened that I didn't have a boyfriend, I was sick, my body was in pain. Then he paid attention to me, asking about my illness. I replied that I was fine. The next day, he asked again, how's the illness, like this," said Maia.

"On the third day, he sent me a message on WhatsApp, and I was like a person in the desert being poured with water. It felt like being dry and then being poured and becoming moist," she added.

2. Eating Together

The small attentions given by Irwan to Maia apparently managed to melt the heart of the 44-year-old singer. They even continued their conversation via WhatsApp by eating together.

"I was surprised when he paid attention to me. So, when I recovered, we made a plan to eat together. It was already the fourth time we made plans to eat, we had eaten together before but only as friends. And then after that, there was a feeling," concluded Maia Estianty.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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