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Divorced via SMS, Maia Estianty: That's not valid, there are no witnesses

Divorced via SMS, Maia Estianty: That's not valid, there are no witnesses Maia Estianty (credit: - Venna Melinda has just had a conversation with Maia Estianty for her Youtube channel content. These two beautiful mothers talked about many things. One of them is Maia's single days before remarrying Irwan Mussry.

As we know, before marrying Irwan, Maia was the wife of musician Ahmad Dhani. Their marriage ended in 2008. From here, several facts that not everyone knows were revealed.

1. Divorced Before

Venna also had the chance to ask how many years Maia was a widow before finally marrying Irwan Mussry. Maia told the story starting from being divorced, separating homes, to getting legally divorced.

"You didn't get married after being alone? So you became a widow? 10 years. Oh, if it's about divorce through SMS...," said Maia.

Hearing Maia's words, Venna responded. "Divorce through SMS? Really?"

"Even though it's not valid, because there are no witnesses," Maia replied.

2. Then Separating Homes

Maia then continued that after the divorce, she did separate from Dhani before officially getting divorced. "When we separated homes, separated beds, it was in late 2006. Then got married again in 2008 (Maia misspoke, it should be 2018)," she continued.

What's important now is that Maia and Dhani are on good terms and happy with their respective families. Be happy always, everyone!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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