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Died, Here are 10 Facts about Ade Firman Hakim, the Talented Actor who Once Experienced Severe Drop

Died, Here are 10 Facts about Ade Firman Hakim, the Talented Actor who Once Experienced Severe Drop Ade Firman Hakim (credit: - Currently, the homeland is feeling sadness, because one of the talented actors Ade Firman Hakim has taken his last breath on Monday (14/9/2020). Ade Firman Hakim passed away at the age of 31, with many extraordinary talents.

Many have sent condolences, from fans to celebrities. From the circulating news, it is mentioned that Ade Firman Hakim passed away due to being exposed to the COVID-19 virus, although the swab test results have not yet been released. However, besides that, there are many other facts about Ade Firman Hakim that netizens do not know much about. What are these facts?

1. Starting Career in 2010

The first fact is, Ade Firman Hakim is an actor who has been active since 2010. Ade Firman Hakim entered the Indonesian entertainment industry at the age of 22. Of course, since then, Ade Firman Hakim has played in many popular films and theaters. And there is no doubt about the quality of acting from Ade Firman Hakim.

2. Playing in Feature Films

It turns out that Ade Firman Hakim is one of the actors who has played in many feature films. Yup! Since his debut as an actor, Ade Firman Hakim has played in many feature films.

He has played in popular feature films such as SOEKARNO in 2013, GURU BANGSA: TJOKROAMINOTO in 2015, KALAM-KALAM LANGIT in 2016, RATU ILMU HITAM in 2019, MIDNIGHT SHOW in 2016, 22 MENIT in 2018, NIGHT BUS in 2017, and many more.

3. Theater Player

Besides acting in movies, it turns out Ade Firman Hakim is also a theater player. He is also a member of Theater Koma group in Indonesia. Of course, Ade Firman Hakim's performance in the theater is very captivating. It's no wonder that this actor has extraordinary acting talent.

4. Jakarta's Abang None

Ade Firman Hakim is also Jakarta's Abang None. He participated in Abang None Jakarta in 2008, before entering the world of film. In the picture, Ade Firman Hakim still looks very innocent.

5. Owns a Culinary Business

Besides being an actor and venturing into the entertainment world, it turns out Ade Firman Hakim is also a businessman. He has a popular food business. Yes, the business consists of various delicious cakes. He named the business Kwekami and serves the JABODETABEK area.

6. Close Friend of Reza Rahadian

Having many friends in the entertainment industry, it turns out Ade Firman Hakim is a close friend of Reza Rahadian. They have worked together in many film projects such as GURU BANGSA: TJOKROAMINOTO in 2015, or SEMESTA, SELAMANYA. Not only in film projects, Ade Firman Hakim and Reza Rahadian have also had iftar together and supported each other in their latest films.

7. Hobby Playing Basketball

Having a cool body shape, it turns out Ade Firman Hakim likes playing basketball. It's no wonder that this actor already has a strong physique.

Ade Firman Hakim also often shares his activities in playing basketball. And of course, the posts received a lot of praise from fans, especially female fans who see Ade Firman Hakim looking even cooler when wearing basketball clothes.

8. Singer

Not only talented in acting, it turns out Ade Firman Hakim is also a singer. Ade Firman Hakim often uploads his singing activities such as performing traditional music or filling an event.

He has started singing since 2014, with his first single titled Kisah Cinta (Love Story), then there is Hujan Cinta (Love Rain) in 2017, Kisah Ini (This Story) in 2019, and Perahu Biru (Blue Boat) in 2020.

9. A Poetic Person

Being an artist, it turns out that Ade Firman Hakim is very poetic, KLovers. It turns out that Ade Firman Hakim often writes beautiful words about love.

These writings are often uploaded by Ade Firman Hakim on his Instagram story, and we can still see them until now. Touching sentences make Ade Firman Hakim look like a very poetic person.

10. Severe Drop Experience

And the last fact about Ade Firman Hakim is that he experienced a severe drop. According to Ade Firman Hakim's younger brother, Dai Tirta Yusli, explained to the media that Ade Firman Hakim had a severe drop last week.

Ade even had time to use his cellphone to contact his friends. It is also known that Ade Firman Hakim has a spot on his lungs, so he was taken to the hospital and still considered a suspect of the COVID-19 virus. However, until now, the family is still waiting for the results of the swab test.

Those are 10 facts about Ade Firman Hakim, who is a talented Indonesian actor. Not only being a professional actor, but Ade Firman Hakim is also an extraordinary singer and businessman.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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