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Younger Brother Reveals that Ade Firman Hakim Has a History of Severe Asthma

Younger Brother Reveals that Ade Firman Hakim Has a History of Severe Asthma Ade Firman Hakim © Utama Putra - Actor Ade Firman Hakim was declared dead at RSUD Tarakan, Gambir area, Central Jakarta, on Monday afternoon (14/9/2020) at 17.20 WIB. Dai Tirta, as the younger sibling, revealed that Ade passed away due to a lung hemorrhage caused by his long-standing asthma.

"No, it's not because of that (being exposed to Covid-19). Coincidentally, my brother had a fairly severe asthma condition, so that's what caused his condition to worsen," said Dai Tirta when contacted by phone on Tuesday (15/9/2020).

1. Swab Results Not Yet Out

Ade Firman Hakim was rushed to the hospital on Saturday night due to his deteriorating condition. According to protocol, he underwent a health test before being treated.

"So, because of the current protocol, it is necessary to undergo a Covid screening (before being treated). He had a rapid test on Friday, but at the last hospital he was tested again and the result was non-reactive. Then, he had two swab tests on Sunday and Monday, but the results are not yet out," added Dai Tirta.

2. Starring in Several Films

Ade made his debut in the Indonesian film industry with the movie BEBEK BELUR in 2010. Since then, he has actively starred in several titles including SOEKARNO, NIGHT BUS, 22 MENIT, and RATU ILMU HITAM.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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