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Irfan Hakim Asks Questions About Boyfriend, Here's Nissa Sabyan's Answer

Irfan Hakim Asks Questions About Boyfriend, Here's Nissa Sabyan's Answer Nissa Sabyan / Credit: Youtube - Sabyan - After a long time, Nissa and Ayus Sabyan finally appeared in public when they appeared on a television program recently. This duo performed together with their band, Sabyan, behind millions of mysteries that still surround their lives.

Not only netizens are curious about Nissa and Ayus' relationship, but even Irfan Hakim also got curious. Behind the scenes, this famous presenter apparently greeted and chatted with Nissa directly while recording it.

1. Nissa Sabyan's Answer About Boyfriend or Soulmate

Although initially making small talk about Nissa's age and origin, in the end Irfan couldn't resist asking about something more personal. Yes, the 45-year-old man asked about Nissa's spouse or boyfriend.

"I haven't thought about it. I haven't (had a boyfriend)," Nissa answered, making Irfan disbelief and continuing to bombard her with other questions.

"Seriously. I don't know but I haven't thought about it yet. Yes, seriously, but I still want to enjoy playing music first," Nissa continued shyly.

2. Irfan Hakim's Failed Attempt

Unfortunately, despite trying to dig for information, Irfan's efforts ended in failure. Nissa still stuck to her stance of not discussing her personal life for public consumption.

"Why are we talking about relationships? Oh no," Nissa refused to answer.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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