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It Has Become a Habit Since Childhood, Alyssa Soebandono Always Asks Dude Harlino and His Children to Wear Matching Clothes on Religious Holidays

It Has Become a Habit Since Childhood, Alyssa Soebandono Always Asks Dude Harlino and His Children to Wear Matching Clothes on Religious Holidays Alyssa Soebandono and Dude Herlino wear matching clothes © - Couple Dude Harlino and Alyssa Soebandono also celebrated Idul Adha by sacrificing animals. Being close to the birth of their third child, a girl, they decided to add one more sacrifice.

Dude and Alyssa sacrificed animals in two places, Jakarta and Bogor. They wanted the benefits to be felt by more people.

"This year we have a new family member, so we added one more sacrifice. One in Jakarta, and one in Bogor to distribute the benefits more widely. Hopefully, those who receive the sacrificial meat can utilize it as much as possible," said Dude at his residence in Tebet, South Jakarta, on Monday (17/6/2024).

1. Uniform Clothes Idea Alyssa Soebandono

On this year's Eid al-Adha, Dude Harlino, Alyssa Soebandono, and their three children wore matching clothes. This is certainly Alyssa's desire, as she has been accustomed to this tradition since childhood.

"Wearing matching uniforms like this is definitely Icha's idea, Kak Dude and the children just follow along. Icha always likes to have everyone wear the same color. Because when Icha was in her own family, the colors were always the same. And now that she has her own family, she still wants it that way," explained Alyssa on the same occasion.

2. Matching Colors on Religious Holidays

However, Alyssa Soebandono does not always ask her family to wear matching clothes. Only on special occasions like religious holidays.

"Wearing matching clothes is done during Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Adha. We have worn matching uniforms several times because we happen to have clothes in the same color, so we coordinate everything. So when we take photos, the colors are the same," Alyssa explained.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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