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Joining in the Film DILAN 1983: WO AI NI, 7 Portraits of Ferdy Sule's Son with Other Cast Members

Joining in the Film DILAN 1983: WO AI NI, 7 Portraits of Ferdy Sule's Son with Other Cast Members Portraits of Ferdy, Sule's son, with the cast of the film DILAN 1983: WO AI NI (credit: - The latest Indonesian film, DILAN 1983: WO AI NI, is scheduled to be released on June 13, 2024. A series of child stars appeared in this film, including Sule's son, Ferdy Adriansyah.

The presence of Sule's son in the film DILAN 1983: WO AI NI has attracted attention. Moreover, Ferdy's character has not been seen showcasing his talent in the acting world. Apparently, Sule's son with his late first wife, Lina Jubaedah, has hidden acting talents.

Curious about what Ferdy, Sule's son, looks like with the cast of the film DILAN 1983: WO AI NI? These photos were uploaded during the poster and trailer release event of the film DILAN 1983: WO AI NI.

1. Portrait of Ferdy, Sule's Son, Acting in the Movie DILAN 1983: WO AI NI

The movie DILAN 1983: WO AI NI recently released its poster and trailer. Several actors attended the press conference held on Tuesday, (14/5). Interestingly, Ferdy Adriansyah caught attention. Sule's fourth child also became a cast member in Falcon Pictures' movie. The movie DILAN 1983: WO AI NI is scheduled to be released on June 13, 2024.

2. Playing the Role of Agus

Ferdy, the son of famous comedian Sule, continues to show his presence in the entertainment world. In the latest movie DILAN 1983: WO AI NI, Ferdy plays the character Agus. The movie tells the story of Dilan's childhood when he was 12 years old. At this age, Dilan meets a Chinese descendant girl named Mei Lien. Meanwhile, the main characters are played by Muhammad Adhiyat and Malea Emma.

3. Moments with Other Cast Members

Several moments showing the close interaction among the cast of DILAN 1983: WO AI NI. Like Ferdy, who appears to be close with the other cast members. Take a look at this portrait, Ferdy is capturing the moment and presscon with the other cast members. It's clear how happy he is to be part of the film project DILAN 1983: WO AI NI.

4. Fans Can't Wait for Its Release

Seeing Sule's fourth child joining the movie DILAN 1983: WO AI NI, many fans are eagerly anticipating its release. Moreover, Ferdy Adriansyah's presence adds its own appeal to the film. Furthermore, so far Ferdy is known to be quite shy in front of the camera but has hidden acting talent. This is a sweet portrait of Ferdy with his fellow cast members of DILAN 1983: WO AI NI.

5. Inheriting the Artistic Talent of Parents

Sule's children are said to have inherited the artistic blood from their father. Starting from Rizky Febian to the latest, Ferdy Adriansyah, they have all followed in their parents' footsteps in the entertainment world. Previously, Putri Delina made her film debut. Now, Ferdy is also following his older sibling. Ferdy's presence in the film DILAN 1983: WO AI NI shows that artistic talent indeed runs strongly in him.

6. His Looks Compared to Rizky Febian

Looking at Ferdy Adriansyah's appearance during the press conference for the movie DILAN 1983: WO AI NI, some netizens were distracted. Many mentioned that Ferdy's looks resemble his older brother, Rizky Febian. Take a look at this photo, his appearance and charm remind many people of the singer of Hingga Tua Bersama.

7. Flood of Fan Praise

After photos and clips of Ferdy in the movie DILAN 1983: WO AI NI circulated, many fans praised Sule's son. Many supported Ferdy's acting talent in the film. Moreover, Ferdy appears more confident in front of the public.

That's the portrait of Ferdy, Sule's son, in the movie DILAN 1983: WO AI NI. Stay tuned for the official release schedule, KLovers.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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