Liza Aditya has caused a stir among netizens. The former dangdut singer who was rumored to be close to Atta Halilintar suddenly removes her hijab. This is despite her decision to embrace hijrah not even reaching 2 months. What does her latest photo look like?
Just 2 Months After Hijrah, Here are 9 Latest Photos of Liza Aditya Who Chooses to Remove Hijab
Celebrity Activities
This is a photo of Liza Aditya attending the wedding of Citra Monica and Ifan Seventeen, which took place on May 29th.
This latest appearance of Liza Aditya without hijab certainly received comments from netizens.
Many questioned the reason why Liza Aditya decided to remove the hijab she previously wore.
Although many are disappointed, Liza admits to having her own reasons for taking off her hijab.
"Thank you very much to everyone who supports me, prays for me. I will still wear the hijab, but sometimes not. My decision to be like this is based on several reasons. Of course, this is a condition that will not be pleasant for some of you who like the change in my hijab. But believe that whether I wear the hijab or not, I want to be a good person as I am," Liza wrote in her IG story post, (31/5).
MoreCertainly, many netizens feel disappointed with Liza's choice to take off her hijab.
Especially because Liza Aditya is also known for having a stylish fashion with her hijab.
Liza Aditya also said that she will still wear hijab in some of her activities according to her needs.
"I am also afraid that my imperfect character will disappoint you all. I will still wear hijab one day and will continue to wear hijab now according to its needs," said Liza Aditya.
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