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Just Celebrated 30th Birthday, Here are a Series of Romantic Moments of Raisa with Hamish Daud - Guaranteed to Make You Emotional

Just Celebrated 30th Birthday, Here are a Series of Romantic Moments of Raisa with Hamish Daud - Guaranteed to Make You Emotional Raisa and Hamish Daud (credit: - The golden-voiced singer Raisa has just celebrated her 30th birthday. Despite being in the midst of covid-19, the mother of one celebrated her birthday with her beloved family. Initially, the singer of Mantan Terindah wanted to hold a party on her birthday, but due to the pandemic, she had to cancel her plans.

Behind her happy day, her beloved husband Hamish Daud actually surprised Raisa with a special surprise complete with beautiful decorations. Indeed, the marriage of Raisa and Hamish always attracts attention with their peaceful relationship. The couple, who got married on September 3, 2017, also often share romantic moments of their small family. So, what do their moments together look like? Let's take a look.


1. Raisa's Birthday Moment

Here is a portrait of the romance between Raisa and Hamish when celebrating her birthday. The surprise made by her husband successfully made her special day more meaningful. In fact, this 40-year-old man managed to gather all immediate family members and special messages from friends through a video.

The happiness is reflected in their faces. This is how the intimate portrait of the couple looks like on the wife's special day. Hamish even showed how much he loves his chosen woman.

2. Having a Meal Together on Raisa's Birthday

On June 6, 2020, Raisa Andriana celebrated her 30th birthday. On this year's celebration, Raisa received a special surprise from her beloved husband, Hamish Daud. This is the moment when Raisa was having a meal together with her husband and beloved family. Although celebrated at home, beautiful decorations and surprises from Hamish successfully made Raisa happy.

3. Special Surprise on a Happy Day

Here is a portrait of Raisa when she received a beautiful decoration surprise complete with an adorable cake. She received this special surprise from her beloved husband and made her birthday moment even happier. In this portrait, Raisa looks so enchanting in a pink dress with a smile in front of her birthday cake.

4. Moments Together During Quarantine

During this pandemic, Raisa and Hamish often spend time together at home. However, this does not stop them from being productive. In this portrait, they can be seen busy with finishing touches on their home. They even support each other. How romantic they are.

5. Moment During Eid

Raisa also shared moments during Eid when she was with her husband and their only child. The three of them looked cohesive wearing matching outfits. Raisa looked beautiful with a hijab while carrying baby Zalina. Meanwhile, Hamish looked handsome in his traditional attire. They are such a family goals.

6. Vacation Together in India

Raisa and Hamish always attract attention because of their ideal marriage that millennials admire. They are not hesitant to share romantic photos of themselves. They often spend time vacationing together. Like this particular moment showing them in India. They both have big smiles, with Hamish embracing Raisa, which successfully makes people emotional.

7. Pose Saling Tatap

Who is mesmerized by this celebrity couple's portrait? This phenomenal couple often shares epic moments together. The former lover of Keenan Pearce looks stunning in a white outfit, while Hamish looks charming in a black suit. This portrait makes them look like a harmonious couple.

8. Berselfie Bersama

Like teenagers intoxicated with love, the photo shared by Raisa and her husband, who have been married for almost 3 years, shows them gazing affectionately at each other. Hamish also appears to be very loving with a warm embrace in that moment.

9. Portrait of Intimate Pose

Netizens were melted by @hamishdw's post while being embraced by his wife. Hamish's macho attitude that he always shows off suddenly became a spoiled figure when he was with his wife. Raisa's portrait also caught attention and received many compliments because in the photo she looked so naturally beautiful without makeup on her face.

Those are the series of Raisa's 30th birthday moments and moments together with her husband. Hopefully, Raisa will always be given happiness, success in her career, and blessings in her life.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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