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8 Portraits of Rizky Nazar's Closeness with His Nephew, Affectionate - Dream Father Candidate

8 Portraits of Rizky Nazar's Closeness with His Nephew, Affectionate - Dream Father Candidate Rizky Nazar (credit: - Portraits of togetherness between Rizky Nazar and his nephew are so adorable. The pictures shared by Rizkina Nazar show her brother often taking care of his son, Kenzie Algibraran Ritonga. This sweet moment has led netizens to say that the 24-year-old man is already suitable to be a father.

Previously, Rizki Nazar became an uncle after the birth of baby Kenzie on August 16, 2019. The birth of his nephew certainly brings him its own happiness. So, what are the sweet moments of closeness between Rizky and his nephew? Instead of being curious, let's take a look.


1. Birth of Baby Kenzie

The moments shared on @rizkynazar20's personal social media show when he was at the hospital and met baby Kenzie. In the picture, the man born on March 7, 1996, is seen showing his happiness when meeting his nephew. Isn't it adorable?

2. Cuddling Baby Ken

The talented actor once again showcases a warm moment with his nephew. This sweet moment shows the actor of MAGIC HOUR holding baby Ken in his embrace. Rizki seems comfortable when cuddling his nephew. In fact, baby Ken seems comfortable in the arms of his uncle. Many netizens praise Rizky Nazar for being a hot papa.

3. Adorable Moment When Putting Baby Ken to Sleep

This moment shows a man who is rumored to be close to the beautiful artist Syifa Hadju being very adorable when Baby Ken successfully falls asleep in his embrace. In the portrait, it can be seen how Rizki is very attentive with full of love. This man born in Singaraja really understands how to calm his nephew until he falls asleep soundly.

4. Matching Wearing Sarong

Rizky Nazar now has a new toy. The child of his sister immediately becomes his idol. This can be seen from this particular portrait. Rizki looks very handsome when he only wears a t-shirt with sarong bottoms. Baby Kenzie also follows the style of his uncle. Both wearing clothes of the same color, they look like father and son.


5. Playing Guitar for the Nephew

The younger sibling of the beautiful actress Rizkina Nazar didn't hesitate when she entertained her nephew with a song. Rizki even played the guitar specially for the baby who just turned one year old. Even netizens were melted by the baby's gaze towards the handsome actor. Come on, ladies, don't be jealous of baby Ken.

6. Very Patient and Loving

Who wouldn't be enchanted by this portrait? Rizki Nazar showed patience and affection when his nephew tried to disturb his sleep and wake him up, but there was no sign of annoyance on his face due to baby Ken's behavior. Truly an idol uncle.

7. Invited to Play Games Together

Rizky Nazar often invites Kenzie to play PlayStation together. In a video shared by his older brother, baby Kenzie can be seen interrupting his uncle by holding his PlayStation controller. However, once again, the uncle patiently allows Kenzie to sit on his lap. They are so sweet.

8. Playing and Joking Together

Rizki Nazar often spends moments with his nephew. In a video uploaded by his older brother, baby Ken laughs uncontrollably because of his uncle's antics. Moments like this make it seem like Rizky Nazar is ready to take care of a child.

Those are a series of photos of Rizki Nazar with his nephew, Baby Kenzie. So do you agree that Rizki Nazar is very deserving of being an idol uncle?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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