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Thalia Putri Onsu's Birthday, Receives Hockey Table and Unicorn Statue

Thalia Putri Onsu's Birthday, Receives Hockey Table and Unicorn Statue Thalia Putri Onsu (Credit: - Thalia Putri Onsu just celebrated her birthday on Friday (6/5). It was also Thania's birthday, her one-year-old sister. Their birthdays were celebrated simply at home.

Yes, following the government regulations, Thalia and Thania's birthdays were still held but the number of guests did not exceed 20 people. They were all family members. Even their school friends were not invited.

1. Simple Party

This was revealed in Ruben Onsu's speech recorded by the MOP Channel on Friday (6/5). Although it was simple, the gifts Thalia received were not ordinary!

2. Got a Hockey Table

Yup, apparently Thalia received a gift in the form of a hockey table from her father. The table was hidden in the garage by Ruben Onsu. According to Ruben, this gift will definitely become Betrand Peto's toy.

"The gift from me earlier, that's the hockey table. So Thalia will definitely be the one playing with it," said Sarwendah's husband while laughing softly.

3. Jordy Onsu was Confused at First

Not only did Thalia receive a hockey table, she also received a gift from Jordy Onsu, Ruben Onsu's younger brother. Initially, Jordy was confused about what to give.

"In February-March, Thania was asked, 'Cici, what do you want for your birthday? She likes unicorns and dolphins. Oh, how can I make a dolphin. I can't take her to see dolphins either, right?" he said as quoted from MOP Channel on Friday (6/5).

4. Unicorn Statue

Unable to give a dolphin as a gift, Jordy finally gave a unicorn statue to his beloved nephew.

"Okay, uncle will make a unicorn statue. That's what he ordered two months ago," said the man who also helped develop Ruben Onsu's business.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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