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8 Hot Daddy Jeje Govinda's Portraits with His Twin Children, Always Stylish Together

8 Hot Daddy Jeje Govinda's Portraits with His Twin Children, Always Stylish Together

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8 Hot Daddy Jeje Govinda's Portraits with His Twin Children, Always Stylish Together

Jeje Govinda is currently enjoying the early days of being a father. Especially since he was blessed with a pair of twin children. It must be a lot of fun. What is the togetherness like between Jeje and the twins? Let's take a look!

8 Hot Daddy Jeje Govinda's Portraits with His Twin Children, Always Stylish Together

January 3, 2020, was a joyful day for Jeje. His wife, Syahnaz Sadiqah, gave birth to a pair of twin children. Jeje officially became a father at that moment.

8 Hot Daddy Jeje Govinda's Portraits with His Twin Children, Always Stylish Together

Their days are now filled with the presence of Zayn and Zunaira, the twins. Their once quiet home now echoes with the sound of laughter and cries from the two babies.


Jeje's activities have changed. Usually, he could sleep until morning, but now he has to stay up all night taking care of Zayn and Zunaira with Syahnaz.


Yes, this couple is very supportive even when taking care of their two children. Jeje is willing to work until dawn while helping Syahnaz, who is busy changing the baby's diapers.


Jeje's love for his two children is so great. He often refers to them as 'si cantik' (beautiful) and 'si ganteng' (handsome), according to papa.


On another occasion, Jeje often expresses gratitude for being blessed with twins. 'Never stop being grateful for being blessed with these cute children,' he wrote last March.

8 Hot Daddy Jeje Govinda's Portraits with His Twin Children, Always Stylish Together

Momen puasa pun juga dilalui bersama si kembar. Yup, ini pertama kalinya Jeje jalani puasa Ramadan sebagai ayah. Saat-saat ngabuburit pun dihabiskan bersama Zayn dan Zunaira dong.


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