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Posting Photos with Natural Makeup, Ashanty Said to Look 20 Years Younger

Posting Photos with Natural Makeup, Ashanty Said to Look 20 Years Younger Ashanty © Akrom Sukarya - Lately, Ashanty has been attracting public attention with her uploads on Instagram. It can still be remembered that she once uploaded a photo with a pose similar to the Korean drama star 'CRASH LANDING ON YOU'.

Now, she no longer uploads cosplay photos. She uploaded a selfie photo last Friday (5/6). In the photo, Ashanty appeared with natural makeup.

1. Natural Makeup

Yes, there is not much makeup adorning her face. Perhaps the most noticeable thing is the light blush on her cheeks. She also chose a soft pink lipstick. Not only that, the slightly messy front bangs enhance her style.

2. Younger

Unexpectedly, the style of Anang Hermansyah's wife attracts comments from netizens. Many say how Ashanty looks twenty years younger. Wow, could Ashanty look like a high school teenager in that photo?

3. Upload Photo with Anang

Towards the end of May, Ashanty also uploaded a photo. Without writing a lot of captions, Ashanty only gave a hint of where exactly she and her husband took the photo.

"Where are we in this? @ananghijau (those who know will definitely laugh)," wrote Ashanty on her Instagram, Monday (25/5/2020).

4. Called Similar to Millen

Netizens immediately commented on the photo of Ashanty and Anang. Apparently, many people say that Ashanty looks so similar to Millendaru or who is now familiarly called Millen Cyrus.

One netizen's comment was finally responded by Ashanty. The mother of four children mentioned that Millen is the one who looks like her.

"Millen is the one who looks like me," wrote Ashanty in the comment section.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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