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Kaesang Pangarep Caught Hanging Out with Nadya Arifta at the Mall, Shopping for Eid Clothes?

Kaesang Pangarep Caught Hanging Out with Nadya Arifta at the Mall, Shopping for Eid Clothes? Kaesang Pangarep - Nadya Arifta. Credit: via - The close relationship between Kaesang Pangarep and Nadya Arifta is once again in the spotlight. Previously, there was a feud between Kaesang and his ex-girlfriend, Felica Tissue, which was widely discussed by netizens.

On the other hand, now Kaesang Pangarep and Nadya Arifta are becoming more open in showing their togetherness. Most recently, they were spotted hanging out at the mall together!

Read also: Kaesang Pangarep Personally Delivers Wedding Invitation to SBY

1. Strolling in the Mall

Reported from the Instagram account @lambenynyir_official, it was recently revealed that Kaesang and Nadya spent some time together.

From the photo uploaded by the account, it can be seen that Kaesang and Nadya are sitting together in a store in one of the malls with their friends. Many are curious about their activities. Are they shopping for Eid clothes together?


2. Intimate

The closeness between Kaesang and Nadya also caught attention in the post. Nadya, who was initially sitting a bit far from Kaesang, appeared to get closer when posing in front of the camera.

So, what do you think about the relationship between Kaesang Pangarep and Nadya Arifta, KLovers?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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