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'KAIJU NO.8' Has the Potential to Rival 'ATTACK ON TITAN', Check Out the Various Similarities Between These Two Anime

'KAIJU NO.8' Has the Potential to Rival 'ATTACK ON TITAN', Check Out the Various Similarities Between These Two Anime IMDb - Written by Angelia Leony Van Augista

KAIJU NO.8 is the most anticipated anime for spring 2024. The anime adaptation of the novel with the same title officially debuted on April 13th.

Many anime fans believe that there are similarities between these two anime. Directed by different people, Shigeyuki Miya (KAIJU NO.8) and Teruyuki Omine (ATTACK ON TITAN), both anime tell the story of a world filled with giant monsters.

Although they have many differences, it cannot be denied that KAIJU NO.8 does have some significant similarities with ATTACK ON TITAN. What are these similarities? Check out the information below, KLovers!

1. Main Male Characters Who Can Transform into Monsters

KAIJU NO.8 and ATTACK ON TITAN both take place in worlds terrorized by monsters, Titans and Kaiju respectively. While Eren Yeager (AOT) undergoes a monster transformation through serum injection and consuming the former Founding Titan, Kafka Hibino (KAIJU NO.8) witnesses small Kaiju resembling mosquitoes forcefully entering his body and experiencing a drastic transformation.

Both of these anime see their protagonists turning into enemies to defend humanity. Despite Kafka and Eren being considered useless in their human forms, it is undeniable that both become incredibly powerful in their monster bodies.

2. Main Female Characters Have Similar Personalities

While Eren Yeager grows up alongside Mikasa Ackerman (AOT), Kafka Hibino grows up with Mina Ashiro (KAIJU NO.8) by his side. Like Mikasa, Mina is also an extremely passionate individual who dedicates her entire life to training and becoming strong enough to defeat the Kaiju attacking her homeland. Both of these main female characters are considered the best in their respective departments in their worlds.

Mikasa and Mina are highly skilled fighters and can pose a challenge to their opponents. Apart from their physical abilities, their intelligence makes them capable enough to take leading positions in their divisions. Lastly, their care and love for their childhood friends, Eren and Kafka, also make them similar.

3. Unexpected Plot Twist

When AOT first revealed Eren's ability to transform, everyone was shocked and wondered what had just happened. Until the manga/anime reveals the origin of these giants or where humans get the ability to transform, fans can't stop thinking about it and coming up with different theories.

Similarly, with KAIJU NO.8 showing Kafka gaining the ability to transform into a Kaiju. Additionally, as the story progresses, we are introduced to Kaiju No. 9, the main antagonist of this series. Just like AOT, we can expect some surprising facts about Kaiju to be revealed when a new chapter is released.

In AOT, they are more interested in learning about Titans, while in KAIJU NO.8, they are more concerned about the origin of Kaiju. If handled well, the twists and turns of KAIJU NO.8 can be equally shocking and satisfying as AOT.

4. Equally Popular

The popularity of ATTACK ON TITAN is unquestionable. In fact, after the release of the anime, many fans flocked to read the manga version and it immediately became a favorite among fans.
KAIJU NO.8 manga version has successfully become the fastest-selling Shonen manga leading up to the official debut of its anime adaptation.

KAIJU NO.8 indeed has many similarities with ATTACK ON TITAN. However, there will certainly be many things that could go wrong or possibly disappoint.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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