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Kartika Putri Admits Her Husband Prefers Her Without Makeup

Kartika Putri Admits Her Husband Prefers Her Without Makeup - Artist Kartika Putri recently shared a photo of her face on Instagram in its natural state. In the uploaded photo, Kartika's facial pores, acne scars, and uneven skin tone are clearly visible.

Kartika Putri mentioned that her husband, Habib Usman Bin Yahya, actually enjoys seeing her without makeup.

"Alhamdulillah, my husband actually likes it when I don't wear makeup. In essence, makeup is considered tabarruj and in Islam, women are advised and commanded not to engage in tabarruj," said Kartika Putri in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (21/5/2024).

"And it's also a step for me to learn and grow in the future, slowly but surely," added Kartika Putri.

1. Comfortable Without Makeup

Kartika Putri admitted that she feels more comfortable being herself without having to wear makeup. In fact, she admitted that she never wears makeup when she's out and about.

"So I just think, this is the real me. So when I go out, I never wear makeup. That's just how my face is shaped," said Kartika.

"Like before, I always wore false eyelashes, but now I can avoid them. I used to pluck my eyebrows, but now I don't. Hopefully, I can eventually stop wearing makeup," she added.

2. Getting Ready for TV Shows

If she has to wear makeup, Kartika Putri does it when she appears on television.

"So far, I only wear makeup when I have a TV invitation, out of respect for the TV. Because that's how it should be. Maybe when I'm no longer on TV, I won't wear makeup anymore," concluded Kartika Putri.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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