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Will Become a Brother at the Age of 3, Here are 7 Portraits of Baihaqqi Syaki Ramadhan, Nadya Mustika's Child - Even More Adorable

Will Become a Brother at the Age of 3, Here are 7 Portraits of Baihaqqi Syaki Ramadhan, Nadya Mustika's Child - Even More Adorable Portraits of Baihaqqi Syaki Ramadhan, Nadya Mustika's Child (Credit: Instagram/nadyamustikarahayu) - Baihaqqi Syaki Ramadhan is Nadya Mustika's child who has been in the spotlight since birth. Now, he is already three years old and his appearance is even more adorable. Baihaqqi Syaki Ramadhan is eagerly awaiting the birth of his sibling, KLovers!

Recently, Nadya Mustika announced her pregnancy with Iqbal Rosadi. The presence of the baby will change Baihaqqi Syaki Ramadhan's status as a relatively young sibling.

So, what are the portraits of Baihaqqi Syaki Ramadhan, Nadya Mustika's child who will become a sibling at the age of three? Let's find out more information below.

1. Portrait of Baihaqqi Syaki Ramadhan

Baihaqqi Syaki Ramadhan is the child of Nadya Mustika, a celebrity. Born as the child of a celebrity, this child, who is familiarly called Syaki, has been stealing attention since infancy.

Now, he continues to grow as a child who always manages to captivate the public's attention. Moreover, his mother is quite active in uploading his portraits during his daily life.

2. Nadya Mustika's Child

Syaki is Nadya Mustika's son from her marriage to Rizki DA. However, their marriage ended when they were still very young. After divorcing in 2021, Nadya Mustika finally remarried a man named Iqbal Rosadi in 2023.

3. 3 Years Old

Born on April 13, 2021, Syaki is now 3 years old. He has grown into a very active child. Nadya Mustika has uploaded several activities of Syaki on Instagram. Even though he is still so young, Syaki has already ridden a horse, KLovers!

4. Inheriting the Charm of the Mother

Since he was a baby, Syaki has received a lot of attention from netizens. As he grows older, Syaki's charm inherited from his mother shines even brighter. His face is often said to resemble his beautiful mother.

5. Even More Adorable

The latest portraits shared by Nadya show how Syaki has grown into a cheerful and energetic child. His smiling face looks so sweet. It's no wonder many netizens find Syaki adorable.

6. Will Become a Big Brother

There is happy news that was recently announced by Nadya Mustika and Iqbal Rosadi. It is known that Nadya Mustika is currently pregnant with their second child. This means that Syaki is preparing to become a big brother who is eagerly awaiting the birth of his sibling.

7. Close to Stepfather

All this time, Syaki has been very close to his mother. However, the presence of Iqbal Rosadi has made him have a father figure again. He is also seen to be quite close to his stepfather, KLovers! The photos uploaded by Nadya Mustika seem to show the harmony of their family.

Well, KLovers, those are a series of portraits of Baihaqqi Syaki Ramadhan, Nadya Mustika's child who will become a big brother and become even more adorable.



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