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7 Latest Portraits of Leticia, Sheila Marcia's Teenage Daughter, Anji Praises the Beauty of Her Daughter

7 Latest Portraits of Leticia, Sheila Marcia's Teenage Daughter, Anji Praises the Beauty of Her Daughter Latest portrait of Leticia, Sheila Marcia's daughter (credit: - Sheila Marcia's eldest daughter, Leticia, has now transformed into a beautiful teenager. In her latest post, Leticia's appearance managed to capture attention with her increasingly enchanting charm.

Being born to celebrity parents, Leticia Charlotte Agraciana Joseph's life is never far from the spotlight. Since her birth until her teenage years, Leticia, as she is commonly called, has often been the center of public attention.

Sheila Marcia's daughter is said to possess a captivating charm that is no less than her mother's. In fact, Leticia has shown her dancing abilities at school events. Curious about what Leticia, Sheila Marcia's daughter who has captured attention, looks like? Check it out here, KLovers.

1. Latest Portrait of Leticia, Sheila Marcia's Daughter

In recent social media posts, Leticia appears to be growing up into a beautiful teenager. Sheila Marcia often shares moments together with her daughter. This young artist looks captivating with her beautiful long hair.

2. Now 14 Years Old

As known, Leticia Charlotte Agraciana Joseph is Sheila Marcia's child with Anji, former vocalist of Drive. Leticia was born in February 2010. Now, she is already 14 years old. Sheila Marcia actively shares moments of her daughter from time to time, including Leticia's teenage years.

3. Already Entered Junior High School

In 2023, Leticia has graduated from elementary school. Currently, Leticia is already sitting in junior high school. Leticia's graduation day was passed happily because her parents, including Anji, her father, were present. For your information, Sheila Marcia and Dimas Akira, along with their five children, are known to reside in Bali.

4. Her Height Makes People Focus

One interesting thing that catches attention is Leticia's height, which is increasingly similar to her mother's. Many people are distracted when seeing the togetherness of Sheila Marcia and Leticia. On several occasions, Sheila Marcia and her daughter often spend time together by making trending dance videos. Interestingly, Leticia turns out to have a captivating dance talent and has even performed at school events.

5. Her Beauty is Increasing

Leticia's beautiful face is shining more as she gets older. Many praise the charm of Sheila Marcia's daughter, just like her mother. Meanwhile, this celebrity mother and daughter often share warm moments in various activities. One of them is captured in this photo, showing Leticia with her mother and stepfather. All three of them seem to be going on a journey in a car.

6. Anji Also Praises the Gorgeous Beauty of His Daughter

Seeing the beautiful face of his daughter, Anji also praises how charming Leticia has become. This praise can be seen in Sheila Marcia's post, which features a portrait of her beautiful daughter during a mirror selfie. In one of the comments on social media, Anji mentions how beautiful Leticia is.

Interestingly, there is a warm conversation that shows the closeness between Anji and Sheila Marcia as parents. They both compete to show off the charm inherited by their child from each other. Not to forget, the stepmother, Wina Natalia, also praises Leticia's beautiful face.

"My daughter is so beautiful." Anji writes in the caption @itssheilamj.

7. Close to Step Mother and Step Father

Leticia has a special family with four parents. Yes, this celebrity child has a step mother who is Anji's wife. Meanwhile, she also has a step father who is none other than Sheila Marcia's husband. Regardless of their household news, Leticia is equally close to her step mother and step father. This eldest child of Sheila Marcia also receives a lot of love from her family.

That is the latest portrait of Leticia, Sheila Marcia's child who is becoming more beautiful. Many netizens are often distracted by the beauty of this artist's eldest child.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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