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Verrell Bramasta Will Study at Oxford Summer Courses, Adding Preparation Before Becoming a Member of the DPR

Verrell Bramasta Will Study at Oxford Summer Courses, Adding Preparation Before Becoming a Member of the DPR Verrell Bramasta © - Before sitting as a representative of the people and as a member of the elected Indonesian Parliament (DPR RI), Verrell Bramasta is making a new breakthrough. Yes, Ivan Fadilla's son plans to continue his studies at Oxford Summer Courses in July.

When asked about the reason, the eldest son of Venna Melinda admitted that he wants to add to his knowledge as preparation to become a member of the Indonesian Parliament (DPR RI). He doesn't want to take it lightly when he sits as a representative of the people.

"This is an extraordinary opportunity for me to study at one of the best universities in the world. I want to gain broader insights, especially in the field of politics and government," said Verrell when contacted by the media on Monday (20/5).

"My goal is to be able to give the best to the Indonesian people," Verrell added.

1. Supported by Family

In that opportunity, the 27-year-old man admitted that he would seriously study. He wants to achieve a good International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score.

Verrell said that his family, both his father and mother, as well as his siblings, are very supportive of his decision. Moreover, his fans also give support to his intention to study.

2. Verrell's Hope

It is known that Oxford Summer Courses is known as a summer education program that offers various subjects with world-class teaching.

Verrell hopes that what he is doing can inspire other young generations in Indonesia to not only pursue careers in the entertainment industry but also contribute to the nation's development through political channels. In the future, Verrell is ready to prove that he is not only capable of acting in front of the camera but also actively advocating for the interests of the Indonesian people in parliament.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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