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The Eldest Child who is Called Similar to Rafael Struick is Desired by Many Women, Narji: at that Age I was the Same

The Eldest Child who is Called Similar to Rafael Struick is Desired by Many Women, Narji: at that Age I was the Same © - Sena, who is the eldest child of Comedian Narji, who has just graduated from junior high school, has become a topic of conversation for many people because of his handsome appearance. In fact, Sena is said to resemble Rafael Struick, a naturalized football player from the Netherlands.

As a parent, Narji apparently is not too surprised by the response from people who have praised his eldest child. Moreover, when he was young, he admitted that he was also liked by many women.

"It's normal, because at that age I was the same, I was also desired. So he is not as much as me when it comes to girls," he said when met in the area of Jalan Kapten Tendean, Mampang, South Jakarta, Thursday (16/5/2024).

1. Sena Doesn't Like to be Published

Widiyanti, Narji's wife, said that Sena is not the type of person who likes to have his face published on social media. The reason is that Sena doesn't want his privacy outside the house to be disturbed if many people recognize his face.

"Actually, he (Sena) is uncomfortable. He doesn't like to be too publicized. Even this, I persuaded him for a whole day," said Widiyanti.

"He rarely appears on my feed or his father's feed or YouTube because he's not comfortable if asked for photos or called out in malls. It's different from our second and third child who inherited their father's talents," Widiyanti continued.

2. Not Forcing His Child to Follow His Path

Although he has a handsome face that is certainly liked by women, Narji admitted that he never directed his child to follow his footsteps into the entertainment world. Apparently, there are still aspirations that his eldest child wants to achieve.

"No, I don't direct them into the entertainment world. I never tell my child what they should become. If their focus is on something, then that's what they want. He is still undecided. He wants to attend a government school," Narji explained.

"It's up to him, I never tell my child that they have to be this or that. As long as they become good and decent people. The difficult part now is to become a good person," Narji concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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