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Khalisa, the daughter of Kartika Putri, asks for an Umrah gift if she can fast for a full 30 days.

Khalisa, the daughter of Kartika Putri, asks for an Umrah gift if she can fast for a full 30 days. Khalisa asks for an Umrah gift from Kartika Putri. ( - The month of Ramadan often becomes a moment for parents to introduce the practice of fasting to their children from an early age. One of those doing this is Kartika Putri, a famous actress and presenter from Indonesia. She has started to introduce the practice of fasting to her daughter, Khalisa Aghnia Bahira, who is now 4 years old.

Even at such a young age, Khalisa seems to already have a strong enthusiasm for fasting. In fact, she made a special request to her mother as a gift if she successfully completes the fast for a full 30 days. The request is quite special, which is a trip for Umrah.

This story was first revealed through a television program by Habib Usman Bin Yahya, her father. This certainly caught the attention of netizens who were impressed by Khalisa's determination to observe fasting. Many praised Kartika Putri's parenting style in introducing Islamic values to her daughter from an early age.

1. Khalisa Starts Learning to Fast at the Age of 4

At such a young age, Khalisa has already started to be introduced to the practice of fasting by Kartika Putri and her husband, Habib Usman Bin Yahya. Although it is not obligatory, Khalisa's parents want their child to get used to the Ramadan routine from an early age.

Habib Usman Bin Yahya shared Khalisa's experience of fasting through his social media. He feels proud because his child shows a high enthusiasm to fast like adults. Khalisa's spirit has become an inspiration for many parents who want to introduce worship to their children.

2. Special Request: Umrah Gift If Successfully Fasting for 30 Days

Like other children who want to receive gifts when they accomplish something, Khalisa also made a request to her mother. She asked for a special gift in the form of an Umrah trip if she successfully completes fasting for a full 30 days.

The Umrah gift is certainly not an easy thing, but Khalisa's good intentions in carrying out the fast are something that deserves appreciation.

3. Netizens' Response to Khalisa's Spirit

Many are inspired by Khalisa's spirit, who is still young but already has the determination to perform religious duties.

Some netizens also praise how Kartika Putri and Habib Usman educate their child by introducing religious practices from an early age. Many hope that Khalisa can complete her fast and receive the gift she desires.

4. The Challenge of Fasting at a Young Age

Although Khalisa's spirit is very strong, fasting at the age of 4 is certainly not an easy task. Children her age are still in a growth phase and need adequate nutrition throughout the day.

Therefore, both of her parents keep an eye on their daughter's physical condition while she is fasting. They ensure that Khalisa remains healthy and does not become exhausted while performing the fast.

5. Habib Usman's Hope for Khalisa

Although it is still unknown whether Khalisa will truly be able to complete the full 30-day fast, Kartika Putri and Habib Usman continue to support and guide her in performing the worship. She wants Khalisa to fast happily, without feeling burdened.

What do KLOvers think about this? Come on, write in the comments section! If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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