Latest Condition of Ashanty's Assistant after Uterine Tumor Surgery, Still Not Awake After 14 Hours
Instagram - One of Ashanty's household assistants, Suteng, has just undergone a major surgery for a tumor in her uterus. She recently found out that there was a significant tumor in her uterus.
Ashanty spoke about the condition of her beloved assistant. Suteng had to undergo a 10-hour surgery and afterwards had to enter the observation room.
1. 10 Hours of Operation
So it's been 10 hours of operation, coming out of the operating room and then entering the observation room for an hour. Earlier, when I was about to enter the room, his face was like, he should have been conscious but still seemed very sleepy," he said.
He was also scared and worried about the condition of his ART. Because, this might be the first time Suwarsih underwent a major surgery.
2. First Time Experience
"We were in the operating room for an hour, just like during a cesarean section. We were in the operating room for a long time, so how about him who has been there all this time," he added.
"Maybe it's his first time experience. And he said his hemoglobin level kept dropping, that's why it's been almost 14 hours and he hasn't woken up. He's conscious but not awake yet, let's pray for everyone to recover quickly, to get well soon," he concluded.
3. Watch the Video
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