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Ashanty Frustrated with Arsy Hermansyah's Face Being Displayed by Baby Selling Account

Ashanty Frustrated with Arsy Hermansyah's Face Being Displayed by Baby Selling Account Ashanty - Arsy Hermansyah © Instagram/ashanty_ash - Baby selling accounts are increasingly disturbing many people. This was also felt by Ashanty recently (28/4). She expressed her frustration at seeing Arsy featured in the account.

Through her Instagram Story, the wife of Anang Hermansyah showed a photo of Arsy in the baby selling account. The photo was accompanied by the seller's phone number and the price of the child.

This instantly angered Ashanty. She said that the owner of the baby selling account is crazy and heartless.



1. Ashanty's Comment

Ashanty wonders why there is an account that is being malicious towards her child. She says that the owner is indeed crazy.

"Hahh, this account is crazy," she writes.

When she tried to search for it, the account disappeared shortly after. However, Ashanty managed to find a Twitter account that captured a picture of Arsy.

"This is really ridiculous, Anang Ashanty's child is being sold and they say that the parents don't feed him," says the netizen.

2. Sold for 15 million

It is known that the Instagram account for selling babies is named @jualbabby. It is stated that Arsy is a child who is no longer being fed by his parents because they are unable to.

In the description, there is a phone number that can be contacted. Shockingly, this child of Anang Hermansyah is priced at 15 million to 1 billion Indonesian Rupiah.

3. Other Children's Selling Account

Ashanty also reposted another baby selling account on Instagram. She was increasingly annoyed to see many babies being displayed.

Although she has not responded again regarding the account. As parents, it is only right to be cautious about sharing photos of children on social media.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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