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Advice from Nia Ramadhani to Jessica Iskandar When Contacted Again by Ludwig

Advice from Nia Ramadhani to Jessica Iskandar When Contacted Again by Ludwig Nia Ramadhani and Jessica Iskandar / Credit: Instagram - inijedar - Jessica Iskandar tells again about her love story in the past with a man from Germany named Ludwig. For Jedar, it was a bitter story, considering that Ludwig himself initially refused to acknowledge El Barack as his own flesh and blood. The man who has never exposed his face even insisted on canceling his marriage to Jedar.

Now Jedar is living a happy life and will soon marry a handsome model named Richard Kyle. She also admitted that she has made peace with her past. If one day Ludwig intends to meet his son, Jedar will give him the green light.

"He (Ludwig) contacted me a few times before. He said he wants to meet his son (El Barack) soon," Jedar said when she became a guest star in a recent YouTube video from The Hermansyah A6 channel.

1. Nia Ramadhani Advises

In her difficult times, Jedar is fortunate to have a supportive group of friends, including Nia Ramadhani. The wife of Ramadhani Bakrie often gives advice and input to Jedar when she feels confused or uncertain about her past relationships.

"She also asks us for advice. But we tell her, it's not good for her child if her father only comes once and then disappears. Don't do that. So, what we mean is if you want to come, you have to be consistent," added Nia, who also became a guest star on the program.

2. Jedar Has Completely Moved On

Jedar has now completely moved on from Ludwig. She doesn't want to be selfish and prevent Ludwig from meeting their biological child. However, until now, Ludwig hasn't given any news regarding his desire to meet El Barack.

"Not yet. In fact, he contacted me yesterday, and then his lawyer contacted me. And I said, this is no longer a matter between lawyers. So, if the legal matters are settled, then it's settled. If he wants to meet, he can talk to me directly in a family manner. I don't have any hard feelings or something like that. So, totally fine. But he hasn't given any news, so just let it be," concluded Jedar.

3. Watch the Video!

Video by: The Hermansyah A6


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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