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Not Selfish, Jessica Iskandar Wants to Introduce El Barack to Ludwig

Not Selfish, Jessica Iskandar Wants to Introduce El Barack to Ludwig El Barack and Jessica Iskandar / Credit: Instagram - inijedar - Jessica Iskandar is currently living a happy life and will soon build a new household with Richard Kyle. However, if we look back a little, the DEALOVA film star has a rather unpleasant story in the past, where she once separated from a man from Germany named Ludwig, who is the biological father of El Barack Alexander.

The question is, does Jedar still hold a grudge against her ex until now? This was asked directly by Ashanty when Jedar became a guest in one of The Hermansyah A6's YouTube videos.

"I don't think about (Ludwig), I'm not disappointed. I mean, it's all in the past, I've let go, I'm happy now, so there's no need to keep thinking about sad things," Jedar explained to Ashanty.

1. Allow Ludwig to Meet El Barack

One thing that disappoints Jedar greatly is how Ludwig used to refuse to acknowledge his own child. However, if at some point the German man has good intentions to meet his son, Jedar will give the green light.

"Oh definitely, anytime soon. As a mother, I shouldn't be selfish, after all he has his own biological father, his own flesh and blood," said the 32-year-old woman.

2. There Must Be Clear Intentions and Purposes

However, of course, there are some 'requirements' that Ludwig must fulfill to meet his son. The most important thing is that there must be clear intentions so that El Barack feels comfortable when they meet.

"If, for example, Ludwig wants to meet him, it's fine as long as the intentions and purposes are clear. If the intention is just to meet and see, but it confuses my child later on, then my child will be pitied," Jedar concluded.

3. Watch the Video!

Video by: The Hermansyah A6


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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