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Asked Whether Still Thinking About Ludwig or Not, This is Jessica Iskandar's Answer

Asked Whether Still Thinking About Ludwig or Not, This is Jessica Iskandar's Answer Jessica Iskandar © Instagram/inijedar - Approaching her wedding with Richard Kyle, many are curious about Jessica Iskandar's previous love story. As it is known, she was once married to a foreigner named Ludwig.

In the YouTube channel The Hermansyah A6 (6/18), Jessica Iskandar was having a conversation with Ashanty and Nia Ramadhani. The three of them seemed to be having a lively discussion about their married life.

Furthermore, Ashanty, who was hosting the show, asked about the news of Jedar's ex-husband. Jessica Iskandar finally gave this surprising answer.

1. Still Thinking About Ludwig?

At first, Ashanty gave a warning that Jedar had to answer her question. Jedar agreed to that. Then Ashanty asked if Jedar still thought about El Barack's father.

"If I think about it. No, I don't," Jedar answered.

Then Ashanty asked if she still loved, missed, or was heartbroken, Jedar quickly answered not all of those questions. As if unsatisfied, Ashanty asked if Jedar had no feelings.

"No. I mean, it's already in the past. I've already accepted it. I'm happy now. So there's no need to keep thinking about the sad past, right?" Jedar answered.

2. Want El to Meet His Father

Ashanty then asked if Jedar still hoped to introduce El Barack to his father. Jedar agreed to that.

"Oh yeah, definitely. Anytime soon. As a mother, I shouldn't be selfish. Plus, he has his own biological father. If, for example, Ludwig wants to meet him, it's okay. The important thing is that the intention is clear," Jedar answered.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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