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Congratulations! Anissa Aziza, Raditya Dika's wife, announces her second pregnancy through a game

Congratulations! Anissa Aziza, Raditya Dika's wife, announces her second pregnancy through a game Anissa Aziza - Raditya Dika © Instagram - Raditya Dika and Anissa Aziza are once again sharing their happy news. Through Anissa's latest post, she reveals her pregnancy through The Sims 4 game.

In her post, Radit says that he has two happy news for the netizens. The comedian reveals that he is happily playing a game on a laptop and his wife is also playing the same game.

However, the important message in the video is that his wife announces her second pregnancy. What does it look like?

1. Announce the Pregnancy of Their Second Child

Radit said that Anissa is currently creating The Sims game that is more suitable for their family. Alinea's mother showed every character in the game.

"Is this you here? But why is the stomach like this? Eating too much siomay?" Radit joked.

"Let's just tell them now," Annissa replied.

"So now, the second news. As stated in the game, Anissa is pregnant. So we ask for prayers for the baby to be healthy and everything goes according to plan," Radit said.

2. Enjoying Taking Care of Their Child

For fans of Raditya Dika, you probably already know that he is currently happy taking care of his child named Alinea. The baby, commonly called Alea, is now an active child.

Radit often shares his moments with Alea on Instagram and YouTube. This happy news indicates that Alea will become an older sibling.

Well, congratulations to Raditya Dika and Anissa Aziza. I wonder if Alea will have a little sister or brother?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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