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A Series of Adorable Photos of Olivia Luna, Marissa Nasution's Second Child

A Series of Adorable Photos of Olivia Luna, Marissa Nasution's Second Child Marissa Nasution © - On April 20, 2020, Marissa Nasution and her husband welcomed the birth of their second child. The baby girl was named Olivia Luna and is affectionately called Ollie.

Marissa gave birth to her second child in the midst of the corona pandemic that has affected the whole world. She underwent the delivery process in Singapore, precisely at Mount Elizabeth Hospital.

1. Sudah Dinanti

The birth of Marissa Nasution's second child has been eagerly awaited by the whole family. Allie, Marissa's first child, is also excited to meet her sibling.

2. Happy Sister

When her sibling was born, Allie was very happy. She kissed her sibling with love and affection.

3. Born in the Midst of the Corona Pandemic

Ollie's birth took place in the midst of the corona virus pandemic that is currently affecting the whole world. Because of this, Marissa gave birth without the presence of her family.

4. A More Complete Family

Previously, Marissa's family consisted of only three members. They are very happy now that their family has grown by one member.

5. Now Becomes Four

Ollie's presence in the world makes Marissa's family complete and lively. Now they are a family of four, and her husband is the only man in their house.

6. Super Cute

Little Ollie is not any less beautiful than her sister. She is super cute, with blonde hair and blushing cheeks that are absolutely adorable.

7. 1 Week Old

Now Ollie is only a week old. But she already looks grown and her beauty is evident. Stay healthy always, Ollie.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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