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Latest from Irish Bella, Here's a List of Beautiful Celebrities Who Stayed Loyal Despite Their Husbands Being Involved in Legal Cases - Proof of True Love

Latest from Irish Bella, Here's a List of Beautiful Celebrities Who Stayed Loyal Despite Their Husbands Being Involved in Legal Cases - Proof of True Love

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Latest from Irish Bella, Here's a List of Beautiful Celebrities Who Stayed Loyal Despite Their Husbands Being Involved in Legal Cases - Proof of True Love

Recently, Ammar Zoni, an actor, was once again caught up in a drug case. This is the second time that Irish Bella's husband has had legal trouble for the same reason. Irish's loyalty has been the subject of attention as she continues to support and wait for Ammar to be held accountable for his actions.

Aside from Irish Bella, who are the other celebrities who remain loyal to their partners even when they are embroiled in legal issues? Find out in the following review.


Irish Bella has visited Ammar Zoni in custody after her husband was caught consuming meth. Instead of leaving, Irish promised to wait for Ammar no matter what decision the police make.


The arrest of actor Dwi Sasono in mid-2020 for possession of marijuana caused a stir in society. Many did not expect it. During the trial process, Widi Mulia never once missed accompanying her beloved husband.


Nora Alexandra proves her sincerity of love by remaining faithful to wait for Jerinx SID to serve his sentence. Although her husband was hit with multiple legal cases, Nora did not leave and continued to accompany Jerinx.


Tora Sudiro and Mieke Amalia were both arrested because their urine tests showed positive for benzodiazepine or the contents of Dumolid. At that time, Mieke was released while Tora had to undergo rehabilitation.


Fachri Albar was also caught up in drug addiction in 2018. He had to undergo several months of rehabilitation and during that time, Renata Kusmanto often visited her husband.


Proof of loyalty was also shown by Inneke Koesherawaty when her husband, Fahmi Darmawan, had to be imprisoned for corruption. Inneke regularly visited Fahmi while giving updates about their child's development.


In 2009, the husband of senior singer Hetty Koes Endang was detained for 4.5 years. Hetty faithfully waited for her beloved husband to be released.


After Arditho Pramono was arrested on January 12, 2022, the figure of Jeanneta Sanfadelia became the center of attention. During Ardhito's 6-month rehabilitation, Jeanneta regularly visited her beloved husband.


In 2006 and 2007, Roy Marten had to deal with the law due to drug cases. In the midst of facing problems, Roy received support from his family, especially his wife, Ana Maria. Until now, their household remains harmonious even though they have been together for more than 30 years.


Although Gary Iskak has been caught in drug cases three times, Richa Novisha remains loyal to him. Now their household also always looks harmonious with their children.