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Legal Counsel Believes Cynthiara Alona is Not Involved in Underage Prostitution Case

Legal Counsel Believes Cynthiara Alona is Not Involved in Underage Prostitution Case Cynthiara Alona © Santoso - Cynthiara Alona has revoked the power of attorney from lawyer Halim Darmawan to help her face the charges of underage prostitution. Alona has officially partnered with lawyers named Melany Dian Risiyantie, SH and Jaka Iswet, SH to handle her case.

"I have been Alona's legal counsel since last week's trial," said Melany, confirmed by Jaka at the Tangerang District Court, Banten, on Thursday (26/8/2021).

In handling Cynthiara Alona's case, both Melany and Jaka are confident that their client is not involved in the child prostitution that occurred at Alona's hotel.

"We are optimistic that based on the facts we have obtained in court, our client is not aware of the prostitution activities there, let alone facilitate them. Our client in this case is only the owner," said Melany.

1. Not a Penny

To defend Cynthiara Alona, Melany claimed to have prepared various evidence and witnesses that could free her client from the clutches of prison.

"It is important to emphasize that Alona never received a penny from the proceeds of prostitution. As the owner, she purely earns income from guests who come to stay," said Melany.

As it is known, Cynthiara Alona was involved in a child prostitution case that started with the police officers of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police uncovering underage prostitution activities at the Alona Hotel in the Tangerang area on Tuesday, March 16, 2021.

After apprehending Abdul Ajiz, the hotel manager, the police then questioned Cynthiara Alona. Shortly after, the police named Cynthiara Alona, Abdul Ajiz, and DA, who acted as a procurer, as suspects.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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