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Looking Beautiful in the Latest Photoshoot, Felicya Angelista Claims to be the Twin of Han So Hee

Looking Beautiful in the Latest Photoshoot, Felicya Angelista Claims to be the Twin of Han So Hee Felicya Angelista © Prayoga - The phenomenon of 'everything will be Korea in its time' seems to be happening among celebrities in the country. Amidst the corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic, many celebrities spend their time at home watching Korean dramas.

One of them is Felicya Angelista who recently uploaded the results of her photoshoot. Felicya looks beautiful in a white dress, lying among a spread of flowers.

1. Han So Hee's Doppelganger

In a photo uploaded on Instagram on Thursday (18/6), Felicya Angelista mentioned that she is the doppelganger of Yeo Da Kyung, the beautiful third party character in THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED that is famous among Korean drama lovers. This beautiful actress introduced herself as Dayung, a play on words from the character's name.

"Introducing.. I'm Dayung, the doppelganger of Dakyung @xeesoxee," Felicya wrote in the caption of her post.

2. Beautiful Third Party Character

Yeo Da Kyung herself is the character who becomes the third party in the main character's marriage in the drama THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED. This character is played by the beautiful actress Han So Hee.

Yeo Da Kyung's character has become a hot topic among Indonesian netizens due to her controversial nature in the drama. In fact, Han So Hee's Instagram account, who plays Yeo Da Kyung, was attacked by Indonesian netizens due to their anger towards this beautiful third party character. Nevertheless, there are also many who idolize this beautiful Korean actress for her beautiful face and successful acting skills that can evoke the audience's emotions.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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