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Luna Maya Opens Up About Having a Conflict with Ariel NOAH Due to Emotional Outburst

Luna Maya Opens Up About Having a Conflict with Ariel NOAH Due to Emotional Outburst Luna Maya - Ariel NOAH (credit: - - Luna Maya and Ariel NOAH once had a romantic relationship but it ended halfway. Since then, Luna is said to always avoid meeting the widower with one child.

When met at the Indonesian Journalists Film Festival, Luna revealed that she still maintains a good relationship with Ariel. Before attending the birthday of a private television station, they met several times in events unknown to the public.

"Yes, of course (maintain the relationship). Before the incident was captured (on camera), we had met several times. So, actually, it's not something new," Luna said at Epicentrum XXI, Rasuna Said area, South Jakarta, on Thursday night (28/10/2021).


1. Supported to Reconcile

After meeting at the television birthday event, netizens suddenly fully support Luna Maya and Ariel getting back together. When asked about it, she said that for a reconciliation to happen, there must be willingness from both parties.

"If we were to get back together, both people have to be willing. If it's only one person, it's called turning back, it's a one-way street. Well, whatever it is, whether being supported as friends, it's still part of life," explained the 38-year-old actress.


2. Admit Having Quarreled

On that occasion, Luna Maya did not deny that she and Ariel had quarreled. As they grew older, she wanted to be good friends with the leader of the band NOAH.

"I think we're all grown up now. Maybe in the past, we were still emotional or something, so we became enemies or something like that. We should be able to be better friends, hopefully Ariel feels the same way," Luna said.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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