Not only their parents, these celebrity kids also have toy cars with quite expensive prices. These toy cars are replicas of luxury cars.
Who are they? Let's find out!
Indonesian Celebrity Children
Not only their parents, these celebrity kids also have toy cars with quite expensive prices. These toy cars are replicas of luxury cars.
Who are they? Let's find out!
Not just a toy car, the car that Raphael Moeis rides is made by a real car company. This Lexus LX570 2X12V Kids Ride on Car is priced at 10 million rupiah.
Raphael's car is also similar to Arsy Hermansyah's. The difference is that Arsy owns a Lexus RX350 which costs 3.6 million rupiah.
Miniature cars for Rafathar Malik Ahmad are priced at 4.2 million rupiah. It looks like a Lamborghini!
Mezbareta Yusuf Athalla, the youngest child of Arie Untung and Fenita Arie, has a miniature Mercedes Benz car priced at nearly 6 million rupiah.
Similarly, Gempi, who also has a miniature Mercedes Benz car as a gift from her father Gading Marten. This car is priced at around 3 million rupiah.
Bhaikaba & Bhrekata, the children of Zaskia Adya Mecca & Hanung Bramantyo, are currently riding a Mini Cooper replica car priced at 2 million rupiah.
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