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Maintaining Silaturahmi, Lesti Congratulates Rizki DA's Birthday Despite Breaking Up

Maintaining Silaturahmi, Lesti Congratulates Rizki DA's Birthday Despite Breaking Up Lesti and Rizki Da © Santoso/Bayu Herdianto - A happy moment is being felt by the twin dangdut singers who came from the Dangdut Academy, Rizki Ridho. On February 3, 2020, Rizky and Ridho celebrated their 23rd birthday.

Birthday greetings came from their friends and seniors in the dangdut industry, including Lesti. Rizki's ex-girlfriend also congratulated both of them.





1. Upload Ridho's Photo

First, Lesti uploaded Ridho's photo on her Instagram feed. The singer who just released her new single gave a prayer to her twin brother, Rizki.

"Barakallah fiumrik a @da2_ridho may you have a long and healthy life, may your sustenance be abundant, may all your affairs be made easy, always under the protection of Allah," Lesti wrote on her Instagram, Monday (3/1).

Ridho immediately responded to Lesti's congratulations with a thank you message.



2. Where is Rizki's Photo?

Lesti's post was immediately commented on by Ivan Gunawan. In the comment section, Igun asked why only Ridho's photo was posted, even though they are both twin siblings.

"They are twins, why only one is being saved," Ivan Gunawan asked in the comment section.

Lesti immediately responded to Ivan's question. Not only with words, Lesti apparently uploaded separate photos of Ridho and Rizki.

"@ivan_gunawan ohh, here's the other one, bro," Lesti replied.



3. Upload Rizki's Photo

Not long after, Lesti uploaded Rizki's photo on her Instagram feed page. Just like before, she wished him a happy birthday and gave him blessings.

"barakallah fiumrik aa @da2_rizki123 Sehat panjang umur. Bahagia selalu, makin shaleh selalu dalam lindungan Allah, dan sukses selalu istiqomah," Lesti wrote for Rizki.

This upload by Lesti was immediately flooded with comments from fans. They even praised what Lesti did. Despite being an ex-lover, the singer of the song Egois still maintains a good relationship.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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