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Many Artists Become Youtubers and Create Similar Content, Raditya Dika: Honestly, I Don't Care

Many Artists Become Youtubers and Create Similar Content, Raditya Dika: Honestly, I Don't Care Raditya Dika refuses to criticize artists who become YouTubers © Akrom Sukarya - Lately, social media platform YouTube has been flooded with artists who were previously known for their television appearances. Starting from Raffi Ahmad, Baim Wong, to Irfan Hakim, they are all competing to create interesting content and gain millions of subscribers.

This phenomenon has caught the attention of veteran content creators, such as SkinnyIndonesian24, who recently decided to leave YouTube. Meanwhile, other creators like Raditya Dika choose to stay and face the competition with artists.

"I will speak as someone who used to be the YouTuber with the most subscribers in Indonesia for years. Two years ago, I was surpassed by Ricis, then Atta, and many others after that," said Raditya Dika, as quoted from Melaney Ricardo's YouTube channel (02/07/2020).

1. How Raditya Dika Faces Content Competition

Although many people criticize the content of artists because they are considered similar to each other, Raditya Dika is reluctant to comment on that. More precisely, he doesn't care if the current trend on Youtube is different from before.

"Your question earlier, how do you see the development of Youtube now? Especially about the content that exists. As for me, to be honest Mel, I really don't care. Honestly, I'm like, whatever," said Anissa Aziza's husband.

2. Free to Create Content

According to Radit, he has no right to interfere with other creators' content. Because on his personal channel, Radit also has his own distinctive style.

"For example, if they want to create anything, it's up to them, I will also like it. I upload whatever I want, I create content however I want," he said casually.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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