Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar recently went on vacation together. They took a boat ride and surveyed the land for their future villa. What was it like? Take a look at the photos!
Celebrity Activities
Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar recently went on vacation together. They took a boat ride and surveyed the land for their future villa. What was it like? Take a look at the photos!
As KLovers know, Atta and Aurel recently went to a villa in Sukabumi. Previously, Atta got upset and accused Aurel of talking about his ex.
Nevertheless, the vacation moments continued to be sweet. Yes, at least they had some fun by the pool. Atta's boat suddenly ended up in the middle of the pool because Aurel kicked it.
Having struggled to return to the mainland, Atta finally managed to reach the shore even though his boat was rocking. Aurel was already there, waiting with her hand outstretched.
Atta and Aurel were also affectionate when riding a paddle boat together. They paddled together while taking turns directing. Just the two of them, Atta and Aurel circled the large pond.
Not only did they ride a boat, they also visited one of the estates. Aurel seemed loyal in accompanying Atta when his mother and siblings rode in another car.
Upon arrival, they immediately admired the beautiful surroundings. This land spans 9000 meters. In the future, Atta and Ashanty will build a villa here.
Not just any villa, the villa will certainly be huge. Ashanty even plans to complete the villa with a swimming pool on the top floor like Marina Bay Singapore.
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