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Via Vallen's Younger Sister Has Recovered from Covid-19, Via Vallen Holds a Tumpengan Ceremony

Via Vallen's Younger Sister Has Recovered from Covid-19, Via Vallen Holds a Tumpengan Ceremony Via Vallen © Herdianto - The Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing. The number of patients in Indonesia is still increasing. Covid-19 also attacked the family of a celebrity, namely the beautiful dangdut singer from Sidoarjo - East Java, Via Vallen.

Last May, Via's younger sister was declared positive for Covid-19. Her family was then ostracized by the neighbors. After receiving treatment and self-isolation, Via's younger sister finally recovered.

1. Via's Younger Sister Has Recovered

This was revealed from Via Vallen's Instagram post on Thursday (18/6) yesterday. In the photo, Via expressed her gratitude that her younger sister has tested negative for Covid-19.

"Alhamdulillah, the results of her second and third swab tests came back negative and she is now free from quarantine," wrote this 28-year-old woman.

2. Tumpengan Ceremony

In the photo, Via looks happy gathering with her family. Apparently, they are having a barbecue party after the tumpengan ceremony.

"So this afternoon at home after holding a thanksgiving ceremony (tumpengan) and now relaxing while having a thin barbecue," wrote the singer of the song Meraih Bintang.

3. Avoided by Neighbors

It's not surprising that Via Vallen held a thanksgiving ceremony out of happiness. It can still be remembered when news of her younger sibling contracting Covid-19 first circulated, the neighbors even isolated Via's family.

"When I posted about my family's condition, some neighbors distanced themselves as if they saw a ghost when my family members passed by," said Via Vallen as quoted from Instagram account @lambe_turah.

4. Almost Demolished by Residents

Not only being avoided, Via Vallen even admitted that her house was almost demolished by residents who were afraid of being infected with the corona. Even though there has never been any harmful incidents.

"This incident happened from April 29th until now, May 27th. It's been almost 1 month of a 2-week quarantine period (which has passed). They wanted to hold a demonstration. The fear is excessive as if corona is a disgrace! It's too much," she explained.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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