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Mikhavita's Mother Regrets Bams' Attitude of Not Revealing Facts About His Wife's Infidelity Issue

Mikhavita's Mother Regrets Bams' Attitude of Not Revealing Facts About His Wife's Infidelity Issue Veronica © - The issue of Hotma Sitompul's affair with Mikhavita Wijaya is still a hot topic among netizens. Despite both Mikha and Hotma Sitompul, who is Bams' stepfather, denying the news.

As the issue gets hotter, Mikha's mother, Veronica Wijaya, speaks up. She is very disappointed and regrets Bams' refusal to clarify the affair between his wife and stepfather.

"I asked Bams to clarify and Bams knows it's not true but he didn't show up to clarify. Because there are many netizens speaking badly about my grandchildren. I am very upset," said Veronica Wijaya in a video received by the media from Mikhavita Wijaya's side, Monday night.

1. Not True

Unable to tolerate the assumptions made by netizens regarding this matter, Veronica reiterated that the news is not true. She wonders why a non-existent issue is being blown out of proportion.

"I came from Palembang with Mikha, Mikha's father wanted me to clarify that the rumored relationship with Mr. Hotma is not true," she said.

"They made it up, a problem that doesn't exist is being publicized as if it is real. I am very angry that my child is being falsely accused like this. Now I am here with Mr. Hotma's family to explain that my child Mikha is not having an affair with Mr. Hotma," she continued.

2. Oppressed

Furthermore, Veronica feels that her child and her family have been oppressed by the rumor of infidelity. She urges all mothers in Indonesia not to remain silent when their children are falsely accused.

"Now we are sitting at the same table, so I ask all mothers in Indonesia not to tolerate it if their children are falsely accused like my child. I feel oppressed, I feel very oppressed. I am very angry," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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