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Millen Cyrus Mentions Megan Fox's Name, Mami Isa: Mami Thinks LL

Millen Cyrus Mentions Megan Fox's Name, Mami Isa: Mami Thinks LL Mami Isa - Millen Cyrus © Instagram - Netizens never seem to get tired of talking about Millen Cyrus. Because he always manages to attract attention with every post.

Ashanty's niece Millen always appears in sexy outfits. Recently, she shared a photo on Instagram.

Mami Isa's comment, Gebby Vesta's manager, caught attention. She mentioned that Millen looks more like an artist with the initials LL. What does her post look like?

1. Sexy Photo of Millen

In the photo, Millen is seen wearing heavy makeup and sexy clothing. She poses with confidence.

"@meganfox," Millen writes in her post.

2. Comment from Mami Isa

This post certainly garnered various reactions from netizens. One of them is Mami Isa, who also commented.

"Mami thinks LL looks similar," writes Mami Isa Zega.

Well, what do you think, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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